    发表于 比利时

    投诉 ORBEXforex.com(离岸分支机构

    你好,我写信正式向经纪人提出投诉 ORBEXforex.com 是 ORBEX.com。这家经纪商在未事先通知或未获得我的明确同意的情况下,扣除了我资金的 3% 存款和 3% 取款费用,总计 6%。尽管我进行了询问,但他们未能对这些费用提供明确的解释。此外,他们的客户支持团队在回复中表现得非常不尊重和不专业。经纪商的高点差和过高的佣金使得交易几乎不可能盈利。此外,滑点和蜡烛操纵频繁发生,进一步使交易者处于不利地位。很明显 ORBEXforex.com 已变成一个剥削交易者的平台,隐藏在监管监督的幌子下,并利用激进的营销活动来吸引毫无戒心的客户。我恳请彻底调查此事,并采取适当的行动

    Complaint Against Orbexforex.com (Offshore Branch
    Hello, I am writing to formally file a complaint against the broker Orbexforex.com, which operates as the offshore branch of Orbex.com. This broker has deducted 3% for deposits and another 3% for withdrawals, amounting to a total of 6% of my funds, without prior notification or my explicit consent. Despite my inquiries, they have failed to provide a clear explanation for these charges. Additionally, their customer support team has been disrespectful and unprofessional in their responses. The broker's high spreads and excessive commissions make it nearly impossible to trade profitably. Moreover, slippage and candle manipulation occur frequently, further disadvantaging traders. It is evident that Orbexforex.com has turned into a platform for exploiting traders, hiding under the guise of regulatory oversight and leveraging aggressive marketing campaigns to attract unsuspecting clients. I kindly request that this matter be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action be taken against


