发表于 菲律宾


我只想叫嚣这家公司 Xtrade以及所有与我沟通的人,特别是我的账户经理,因为他的疏忽,我在几分钟内损失了我的钱,所以当我试图提取剩余的奖金和钱时,它处于待处理状态,我的账户经理告诉我,我需要投资更多的钱才能提取我账户中的钱,因为利润很低...他要求我存入 1000 美元,但由于资金不足,我没有存入任何东西,他说他会等我...我给最初联系我投资 xtrading 的人发消息,告诉她我的钱发生了什么事,然后她回答说等别人给你打电话。过了一段时间,有人打电话给我,介绍说她负责结算部门,她告诉我,她会帮我提取账户中的钱,但我需要支付 5,700 比索的手续费。长话短说,我通过 gcash 向她支付了 5,700 比索,付款后就再也无法联系到她了,直到有一天,她打电话给我,说她儿子住院了,所以联系不上她...她解释说我的手续费没问题,但我需要在我的账户中再次投资至少 10,000 比索,因为利润很低。每天,她都打电话给我,让我立即投资,这样他们就会开始处理我账户中的钱,但这次我没有投资,因为我认为他们是骗子,我试图给他们发消息并拨打他们的电话号码,但总是无人接听

Pending widrawal
I just want to clamor this company xtrade and all the people who communicated with me specially my account manager because of his negligence i loss my money within few minutes so when i tried to widraw what was left together with my bonus, it was pending and my account manager told me that i need to invest bigger amount of money inorder for me to widraw the money in my account because it was in a low profit...He requires me to deposit 1000usd but i did not deposit anything due to lack of finances and he said that he will wait for me...i message the person who contacted me at first to invest in xtrading and tell her about what happen to my money then she replied that wait for someone to call you. after sometime, someone called me and introduce herself that shes incharge of billing section and she told me that she will help me to widraw my money in my account but i need to pay a processing fee amounting to 5,700 pesos. Long story short, i paid her 5,700pesos thru gcash and after my payment she cannot be contacted anymore until one day, she call me for a reason that her son was hospitalized that's why she's not able to be reach...she explained that my processing fee is ok but i need to invest again atleast 10,000pesos in my account because it was very low profit. everyday, she's always calling at me to invest emmediately so that they will start to process my money in my account but i didn't invest this time because i think that they are scammers, i tried to message them and call their phone numbers but always unattended


